4 Ruger LCR 357 Problems You Must Be Aware of

Last Update:

I’ve been testing the Ruger LCR 357 for a while now, and let me tell you, it’s been an enlightening experience.

After taking it out for several shooting sessions, I’ve run into a handful of Ruger LCR 357 Problems that I think are worth discussing.

I noticed some ejection issues. Trust me, nobody wants to wrestle with a stuck casing when time is of the essence. Then, there was the cylinder lock issue. Imagine trying to reload, but the cylinder doesn’t swing out smoothly. And let’s not forget the accuracy and firing issues.

But don’t worry; I’ll dive deep into these problems and provide you with tried and tested solutions.

Overview of LCR 357 Problems & their Solutions

Ejection IssueContact Ruger for a cylinder replacement.
Cylinder LockSend the firearm to Ruger for cylinder replacement.
Accuracy ProblemShip it back to Ruger for a full replacement.
Firing IssueCheck and replace the damaged or wet primer.

Top 4 Ruger LCR 357 Problems & Solutions

1. Ejection Issue

When you’ve got a revolver, you want things to be smooth, right? Well, this one threw me for a loop. I fired a few rounds and then came the moment of truth—ejecting the spent casings. Easy, you’d think, but nope! Pushing the ejector plunger did nothing. 

I had to resort to tapping each shell out with a cleaning rod. Even then, they didn’t come out willingly. Then, the cylinder and ejector froze up on me. I inspected for overpressure signs, but everything looked normal. Seriously, what’s up with that?


Now, let’s talk about fixes. My gut feeling was that the cylinder might not have been heat-treated correctly. 

So, I got in touch with Ruger, and sure enough, they agreed to replace it. After the replacement, the ejection problem was gone—like it never happened. 

So, if you run into this issue, give Ruger a call. They’ll likely sort it out for you. It’s not a DIY fix, but it’s a solid one.

2. Cylinder Lock Issue

Okay, moving on to another problem: the cylinder lock issue. You’re out at the range, load up, and ready to shoot, right? Wrong. Upon closing the cylinder, I noticed it wouldn’t lock in place. 

It just spun freely past every chamber. This is a severe issue. A revolver is all about reliability, and when the cylinder won’t lock, that’s a deal-breaker. 


Now for the fix. The only sensible thing to do here is to send the firearm back to Ruger. I did just that, and they replaced the cylinder for me. 

Once the new cylinder was in, this issue disappeared. So, should you face the same problem, don’t try to be a hero and fix it yourself. Reach out to Ruger. They’ll set it right, and you’ll be back to shooting in no time.

3. Accuracy Issue

Let’s get into the next problem that really bugs me: the accuracy issue. I was at an outdoor range, 10 yards away, loaded with Fed AE 130 gn fmj ammo.

As soon as I took aim, I felt something was off, particularly with the front sight. I fired anyway. The shot landed low by about 2 inches and to the left by roughly 3.5 inches. 

All were in a nice 1.5-inch group, still low and left. After going through two more cylinders, 15 rounds in total, it was clear that something was not right.


Here’s how I tackled it. I sent the gun back to Ruger for a replacement. It’s not a problem you can just adjust away. If you’re facing a similar situation, don’t hesitate. Get in touch with Ruger and send it back for a replacement. 

I did, and guess what? The replacement was spot on, just like you’d expect from a quality firearm. So if your aim is off and it’s not you, it’s probably the gun, and Ruger will sort it out.

4. Firing Issue

Last but not least, let’s talk about the firing issue, another big one that can make or break your trust in this firearm. Picture this: You’re at the range, you pull the trigger, and—nothing. A dreaded failure to fire. 

It can happen due to several reasons, but a bad primer is often the culprit. When relying on a firearm for self-defense or even casual shooting, a misfire is a big no-no. 

In my experience, this was both frustrating and unnerving. You want your gun to go bang when you pull the trigger, not leave you hanging.


So what did I do? The first thing was to check the primer. If it looked damaged or wet, it was a sure sign that it needed to be replaced. And that’s exactly what I did—swapped out the bad primer for a new one. 

Now, if you experience a failure to fire, don’t start panicking. Just check that primer. If it’s the issue, replacing it should do the trick. 

If not, then you’ve got a more serious issue, and you’ll need to consult the pros.


Alright, let’s wrap this up. The Ruger LCR 357 Magnum has its merits, no doubt. It’s compact, easy to carry, and generally ticks off a lot of boxes you’d want in a concealed carry weapon. But it’s far from perfect. 

It gives you a bit to think about from ejection issues to cylinder lock problems, from questions about accuracy to firing hiccups. That said, every problem I encountered had a solution, often as straightforward as contacting Ruger for a part replacement. 

So, if you’re willing to address these glitches head-on, what you’re left with is a firearm that is, on balance, reliable and suited for its intended purpose.


Is the Ruger LCR reliable?

Yes, it’s generally reliable with a lighter, easy-to-pull trigger.

Can you shoot 38 special in a Ruger LCR 357?

Yes, it can handle both .38 Special and .357 Magnum.

Will the Ruger LCR rust?

Yes, rust can develop quickly in humid conditions.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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