5 common Ruger GP100 22LR Problems You Must Be Aware of

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I recently got my hands on the Ruger GP100 22LR for some real-world testing. And I stumbled upon a few issues that could be bothersome. 

Before you worry too much, let me tell you these Ruger GP100 22LR Problems aren’t insurmountable. They include things like hard shooting, accuracy discrepancies, firing difficulties, ejection issues, and, last but not least, some trigger hitches. 

The aim of this article is pretty straightforward. I want to dive into each of these common problems I encountered and offer some practical solutions to get your Ruger GP100 22LR operating smoother than ever. So, let’s get to it!

Overview of Ruger GP100 22LR Problems & their Solutions

Hard ShootingClean the bent crane arm and ejector star.
Accuracy IssueConsult a certified gunsmith for alignment.
Firing IssueClean and adjust the hammer; switch ammo types.
Ejection ProblemUse quality ammo and possibly replace recoil spring.
Trigger IssueUpgrade the trigger system; consult a professional.

Top 5 Ruger GP100 22LR Problems & Solutions

1. Hard Shooting Issue

So, you finally get to the range, excited to try out your Ruger GP100 22LR, and bam—you realize pulling the trigger feels like a workout session. 

Trust me, I’ve been there. During my time testing this gun, the shooting felt way harder than it should. After some inspection, it became clear that the main culprit was a bent crane arm.

It’s just not smooth, making it tough to get a clean, easy shot. To top it off, there was machining grit still in the gun, adding to the resistance.


First off, don’t panic. The shooting became noticeably easier after a thorough cleaning, especially focusing on the bent crane arm. If you notice gunk under the ejector star, scrub that out, too. 

A pro tip: always keep the muzzle pointed upwards while ejecting; this helps any debris fall out independently. Once you’re done, assemble it back together; you should feel a significant difference. Simple as that!

2. Accuracy Issue

So, let’s talk about what happened when I took the Ruger GP100 22LR to the range. I was hitting targets all right, but not with the pinpoint accuracy I’d expected. 

Something felt off. A closer look revealed that the issue had a lot to do with the throat and the revolver barrel not matching up. 

Plus, the hammer was dragging against the frame so much that cocking it in one smooth motion became a chore. There was also some wear on the muzzle crown, which wasn’t helping my shots find their mark.


If you’re facing this issue, the best route is to get a professional involved. I sent my revolver to a certified gunsmith with the expertise to diagnose and fix the problem. 

They adjusted the throat to align with the barrel and worked on the hammer and frame drag. Also, I reached out to Ruger about the muzzle crown, and they offered an upgrade. 

Once I got it back, the difference was night and day. Don’t hesitate to go the expert route; it’s worth every penny for the boost in accuracy.

3. Firing Issue

So, you’re at the range, cylinder fully loaded, and boom—or rather, no boom. Yep, that was me with the Ruger GP100 22LR. 

After some use, I noticed an annoying failure-to-fire issue that left me scratching my head. It didn’t matter what ammo I used; this problem wouldn’t go away. 

I took a deep dive and realized that the issue was related to the hammer and the cylinder chambers. To make matters worse, the springs were all clogged up, making light trigger pulls and hammer falls a real headache.


Here’s how I tackled it. First, I checked for any rubbing on the sides of the hammer. I discovered that due to the GP100’s design, this can sometimes cause subpar ignition. After a good cleaning and a bit of adjustment, things improved. 

I also took the time to mark my cylinders to see if the problem was consistent. Turned out that switching up the ammo types helped identify the issue better. 

If you’re experiencing firing issues, these steps should put you back on the road to a reliable shooting experience.

4. Ejection Problem

Now, here’s a tricky one. After putting about 300 to 400 rounds through the Ruger GP100 22LR, I noticed that ejecting spent cases was becoming a task. No one likes to struggle with ejection, especially when rapid reloading is key. 

After doing some research and close inspection, several reasons became clear. A damaged recoil spring was one of the main culprits, but the ammo wasn’t helping either.

I realized the powder charge in the rounds I was using wasn’t cycling the slide as it should. Plus, switching to lower-pressure rounds only made the problem worse.


So how did I fix it? First, I stopped using those low-pressure rounds; they’re no good for this particular issue. 

After that, I changed my ammo to a better load, which significantly impacted how the revolver cycled. If you’re facing this ejection issue, I recommend doing the same. 

Stick to quality, well-reviewed ammo, and you’ll likely see a positive change. Trust me, it makes all the difference.

5. Trigger Issue

Here’s another snag I encountered after some time at the range with the Ruger GP100 22LR: a heavy, unresponsive trigger. After shooting about 1,000 rounds, it felt like the trigger didn’t want to cooperate anymore. 

The cylinder was also acting up, making it difficult to slide out. This is not the issue you want, especially when it affects your shooting experience.


To tackle this, my first instinct was to tinker with it myself, but I decided that was not the best course of action. Instead, I looked into upgrading the trigger. 

A new trigger system cost me around $30, a relatively low cost for the improvement it offers. I highly recommend not trying to reassemble the trigger system on your own.

Sending it to a professional, whether a qualified gunsmith or Ruger, is the way to go. Trust me, you’ll be grateful you did, and your shooting experience will be much better.

Final Verdict

The Ruger GP100 22LR is undeniably a robust and reliable firearm, but like any piece of machinery, it has its share of hitches. From hard shooting to trigger issues, I did experience some bumps along the road during my testing. 

However, the silver lining here is that these problems are fixable. Whether switching your ammo, cleaning the inner parts, or seeking professional help, each issue has a practical solution. 

So, if you’re an owner or potential buyer, don’t let these snags deter you. Once you’ve ironed out the kinks, the Ruger GP100 22LR still offers a strong build, impressive reliability, and a balanced shooting experience.


Is the Ruger GP100 a good gun?

Yes, it’s a reliable and robust firearm with a good track record.

Is it OK to dry fire Ruger GP100?

Yes, dry-firing the GP100 won’t damage the internal components.

How much does a Ruger GP100 22LR trigger pull weight?

Double-action is around 12 lbs, single-action breaks at roughly 4 lbs 8 oz.

What does GP100 stand for?

The “GP” in GP100 stands for General Purpose.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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