Top 6 Smith and Wesson Model 41 Problems And How To Fix Them

Last Update:

I’ve spent some good quality time in the field with the Smith and Wesson Model 41, and let me tell you, it’s a pretty solid piece. But I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs with this firearm.

First off, there’s the issue of the magazine not seating properly. Then, there’s the sometimes annoying trigger sensitivity. Oh, and let’s not forget the occasional jamming. Each of these issues can make your experience less than stellar. 

The aim here is to help you get the most out of your Smith and Wesson Model 41. By the end of this article, you’ll have a solid grasp on how to tackle these common issues. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and get into it, shall we?

Quick Table of Smith and Wesson Model 41 Problems & Solutions

ProblemsQuick Solutions
Ejection ProblemSwitch ammo and lubricate well.
Failure to FireClean regularly and try different ammunition.
Magazine IssueContact Smith & Wesson for guidance.
Slide Lock IssueCall Smith & Wesson for troubleshooting.
Trigger StuckTap the grip lightly; consult Smith & Wesson if persists.
Problem with the ExtractorClean the extractor or contact Smith & Wesson for a replacement.

Smith and Wesson Model 41 Problems & Solutions

1. Ejection Problem

Ah, the dreaded stovepipe issue. Trust me, I’ve been there. One moment, you’re having a smooth shooting experience; the next, your Model 41 decides not to feed into the chamber. 

It’s frustrating. I learned the hard way that it often boils down to the type of ammo you use. 

On top of that, it could also be due to insufficient lubrication or lack of routine maintenance. These factors can seriously hamper your time at the range or out in the field.


Okay, so how did I get around this problem? First off, I switched the ammunition. After doing some trial and error, it became clear that some ammo types just don’t jive well with this particular model. 

So, steer clear of the ones causing you grief; for me, it was the Remington, CCI Clean Bullets, and Federal Bullets. Next, never underestimate the power of good old-fashioned lubrication and maintenance. 

Trust me, a well-lubricated gun is a happy gun. It made a world of difference for me. Take these simple steps, and you’ll likely see an improvement, just like I did.

2. Failure To Fire

Ah yes, the infuriating ‘click’ but no ‘bang.’ I’ve been there, too, with the Smith & Wesson Model 41. 

You’re all lined up, you pull the trigger, and… nothing. Failure to fire can really mess with your flow, not to mention it’s a safety concern. 

I found that this issue could stem from various factors, like the ammunition or even a faulty firing pin. The gun might also be begging for a deep clean or a good lubrication. 

Nothing’s worse than prepping for a day in the field only to be let down by a misfiring weapon.


So, what’s the game plan for dealing with this? Well, first off, cleanliness is next to godliness. Make sure to give your Model 41 a thorough cleaning; you’ll be amazed at what a difference that can make.

Lubricate that bad boy every few days, especially if you’re actively using it. And when it comes to ammo, again, switch it up. If you’re experiencing misfires with one type, try another. 

Personally, I switched my ammunition and started a regular cleaning and lubricating routine. Since then, the problem has been pretty much non-existent. 

Take these steps seriously, and you’ll likely steer clear of those frustrating misfires.

3. Magazine Issue

Alright, let’s talk about the magazine issue, shall we? When I got my hands on the latest Model 41, I thought I’d try some of the older mags. 

Big mistake. If your slide is open, those old magazines just won’t play nice. They refuse to fully insert into the gun. 

It’s as frustrating as it sounds, especially if you have a collection of older mags you’d love to keep using. Whether the rounds are loaded or not, the problem persists.


So what did I do? Well, I called up Smith & Wesson directly. And guess what? They were more than willing to troubleshoot the problem for me. 

Sometimes, going straight to the source is best, especially with something as sensitive as a firearm. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t hesitate to reach out to Smith & Wesson. 

They know their stuff and can provide the guidance you need to resolve this particular issue. All in all, sometimes you’ve got to leave it to the experts, and in my experience, that did the trick.

4. Slide Lock Issue

Alright, onto the next hiccup—sorry, I mean issue. The slide lock problem. I’ve seen it happen a few times: you fire a round, and then the slide just decides to stay put. 

It gets stuck and won’t move forward to chamber the next round. Super frustrating, right? Especially when you’re all zoned in and focused.

Removing the barrel assembly relieves the tension and allows the slide to advance, but that’s not a practical solution at the moment.


So, what’s the deal? In a case like this, the best course of action is to go straight to Smith & Wesson for troubleshooting. It’s what I did, and I’ve got to say, they were pretty responsive. 

If you encounter this issue, save yourself the stress and give them a call. Sometimes, there’s only so much you can do on your own, and for a problem like this, professional help might be your best bet. 

Trust me, speaking to the experts directly will save you a lot of time and headaches.

5. Trigger Stuck

Let’s dive into another issue: the infamous stuck trigger. Picture this—you’re out there, ready to take your shot, and the trigger just won’t budge. 

Yeah, it’s not fun. I’ve been in that situation, and trust me, the anxiety level goes up a notch. It’s both inconvenient and a significant safety issue. 

You can’t shoot when you want to, but there’s always that fear that the thing could go off when you least expect it. You’re in a bind, literally and figuratively.


Okay, so what to do? Safety first: Always make sure the firearm is unloaded and the muzzle is pointing in a safe direction. 

My go-to move was to lightly tap the grip, ensuring my fingers were clear of the trigger. Sometimes, this simple action could release any tension and free up the trigger. However, if that doesn’t solve the issue, I would advise getting in touch with Smith & Wesson. 

As with other problems, they are usually willing to help troubleshoot the issue and know their product better than anyone else. 

6. Problem with the Extractor

Let’s tackle another issue that’s been popping up: failure to extract. So you’ve fired your shot, but the cartridge decides it’s too comfortable to leave the chamber. 

I’ve been there, and it’s not a fun spot to be in, especially if you’re trying to get through a series of shots smoothly. When this happens, there’s usually a worn-out extractor to blame. 

This is the little guy pulling the cartridge case out of the chamber. Sometimes, it can also be a worn case on the cartridge itself, which can be equally annoying.


So, how do we go about fixing this? Well, first things first: check the extractor. Any accumulated dirt could be causing the problem. 

A quick cleaning job might be all it takes to get things running smoothly again. That’s what worked for me. But let’s say your extractor is past the point of no return and needs replacement. In that case, the most reliable route is to contact Smith & Wesson directly. 

They can guide you through the steps or even take care of the replacement. No need to mess around when the experts are just a phone call away.

Final Verdict

So there you have it, folks. The Smith and Wesson Model 41 is quite a piece of hardware that you’ll love taking to the range. 

Sure, it has its downsides, like magazine seating issues, finicky triggers, and the occasional jam. But let’s be real—no firearm is perfect. The good news is that each of these issues has a workable solution. 

With consistent maintenance, the right ammunition, and maybe a phone call to Smith & Wesson, you can elevate your Model 41 experience from good to great. Trust me, I’ve been there and done that, and the result was well worth the effort. 

So, in the grand scheme of things, this gun stands up pretty darn well, especially when you weigh its issues against its stellar performance and accuracy.


Is the Smith and Wesson Model 41 good?

Yes, it’s considered one of the best .22 target pistols ever made.

What is the history of the Smith Wesson 41?

Prototypes were made in 1947, publicly available in 1957, with 9,875 units built by the end of 1958.

Is .40 S&W powerful?

Yes, the .40 S&W offers high stopping power and lethality with bullet weights between 88 and 205 grains.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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