5 Most Common Sig P227 Problems And How To Fix Them

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I’ve dedicated countless hours to testing the well-known SIG P227. With rigorous use, several concerns emerged, which significantly impacted my overall experience. 

My trials identified numerous issues, such as an unwieldy grip, frequent failure-to-feed occurrences, problems with the 14-round magazine, spring defects, and a disappointing absence of aftermarket support.

I’m about to break down these issues one by one. I will walk you through these challenges, suggest viable solutions, and, ideally, enhance your SIG P227 experience. 

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions

Bulky GripSwap the E2 grip with a G10 grip for a snugger fit.
Failure To Feed Regular cleaning and lubing of the pistol, along with a firm grip, can mitigate FTF issues.
Jamming IssuesReplace the existing magazine springs with stronger ones from Wolff Gunsprings.
Limited Support OptionsScour online for used parts as the best viable option.
Spring IssuesReplace the missing or broken spring. Or send it to SIG for free replacement.

Top 5 SIG P227 Problems & Solutions

1. Grip Issue

When it came to the SIG P227, I immediately noticed something off. The grip felt bulky, almost unwieldy, especially for those among me with smaller hands. 

There it was, an E2 grip that promised a lot but fell short in delivering comfort and ease of use. 

For some, this might seem like a trivial matter, but believe me, when you’re out there in the field, a comfortable grip can make all the difference. I struggled, as the firearm didn’t feel right nestled in my hands.


Then came my lightbulb moment. Why not change the grips? Easy, right? And boy, was it the right move. I switched out the E2 for a G10, and instantly, it felt like a whole new firearm. 

The G10’s fit was snug, a perfect complement to the frame’s cut-outs designed to accommodate the bushings that came with the grip. 

The change was easy, too – just unscrew the E2, screw on the G10, and voila! Fasten it with the grip screws into the bushings, and there you have it. A transformed SIG P227 experience.

2. Failure To Feed (FTF)

During my tests with the SIG P227, another issue reared its head – Failure To Feed (FTF). And believe me when I say it wasn’t just an occasional inconvenience. 

This troublemaker was persistent. It wasn’t limited to the 14-round magazines notorious for their FTFs. Oh no, it was also an issue with the 10-round ones.

Imagine firing away, and suddenly, the round only loads about a quarter of the way and comes to a grinding halt. 

The only way forward? Either hit the rear slide to force a load or pull it to eject the round and load a new one. Yes, as frustrating as it sounds.


But there’s a fix I found. For the .45, the grip is crucial. Sometimes, a soft grip led to FTF instances, especially with shorter .45 pistols.

Furthermore, regular inspections of the gun could work wonders. Ensuring that the extractor could enter and exit easily and that the breech face remained smooth and clean made a significant difference. 

The round wouldn’t load properly if the extractor had debris under it or was stiff, or if the breech face was not smooth.

So, my solution? A thorough clean and lube of the pistol. It was such a simple solution, yet its effect on the FTF problem was astonishing. Less fuss, more firing – just as it should be.

3. Jamming Issues

My time with the SIG P227 had its fair share of ups and downs. One issue that seemed to persistently plague me was the dreaded jamming problem. 

This was most prevalent with the 14-round (TACOPS) magazines. The rounds would often “nose-dive” instead of feeding smoothly into the chamber. Talk about a test of patience!

To make matters worse, SIG has discontinued these very magazines, leaving users in quite a pickle. And let’s not forget, the added width of a double stack magazine/grip for merely two extra rounds did seem somewhat excessive.

Moreover, the followers in these magazines sometimes wouldn’t reach the top of the tube. This irregularity led to the slide missing the top round, causing even more nose-dive jamming. It was like a domino effect of problems – one leading to another.


But as the saying goes, every problem has a solution. The failure of the 14-round mag primarily came down to the need for a stronger spring. 

The difference was palpable after replacing the existing ones with 14-round Para Ordnance +10% mag springs from Wolff Gunsprings.

I also found using a Maglula loader essential to fully load the mags. And hey, I noticed the newer 14-round magazines that came in boxes worked just fine. 

4. Limited Support Options

Next up on my list of gripes was the surprising lack of aftermarket support for the SIG P227. I found it disconcerting how difficult it was to find factory magazines (10 rounds) for this model.

As it turns out, I wasn’t the only ones – it’s a common complaint among users.

To add to the frustration, Mec-Gar hasn’t made an 11- or even a 12-rounder. Just think about it. A Mec-Gar magazine with a couple of extra rounds could boost this pistol’s popularity. But alas!

What puzzled me the most was SIG’s own lack of support for this model. It’s essentially a P226 firing a .45, one of their flagships! 

They could have used Hogue G10 grips with the SIG logo from the factory instead of E2 grips, for instance. But no such luck.


Alright, the problem was clear. But what was the solution? I found that scavenging for used parts online seemed to be the only viable option. 

Given that this model has been discontinued, there’s not a lot one can do otherwise. So, brace yourselves for online sleuthing – it’s the only way out of this maze.

5. Spring Issues

And then there were the spring issues. Field testing can be as revealing as it is fun, and it was during one such session that I stumbled upon this problem. 

The sear spring pin had simply broken off and gone missing! It was like it had vanished into thin air. Talk about unexpected developments!


What to do when faced with a missing sear spring pin? Well, the solution is as simple as it gets. Just replace the spring. 

That’s it! Or if you’re not up for a DIY fix, there’s an alternative. You can send it back to SIG, and they will replace it free of cost. Either way, it’s a minor setback that’s easily taken care of. No sweat, right?


I’ve put the SIG P227 through the wringer, and here’s what I found: this firearm, while noteworthy, does come with a few setbacks. But these setbacks are not insurmountable, far from it. 

From My time in the field, I’ve observed issues with the grip, occasional FTF situations, issues with the 14-round magazine, spring problems, and limited aftermarket support. 

And while these issues were at times challenging, I also found feasible solutions, from swapping out grips to a good old clean and lube. 

So, is the SIG P227 perfect? No. But with a bit of troubleshooting, it comes pretty darn close. A worthwhile investment? Absolutely.


Why did SIG discontinue P227?

SIG discontinued the P227 as it gave way to the company’s striker-fired, polymer-framed P320, despite it shooting as well as any pistol in SIG’s P-series.

What is the capacity of the SIG P227?

The capacity of the SIG P227 is 10 rounds in a magazine.

Are SIG Sauer pistols good?

Yes, SIG Sauer pistols are good. The company has a reputation for producing high-quality handguns, and products like the Sig P365 are extremely popular.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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