4 Common Ruger SR22 Problems You Must Be Aware of

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I’ve been spending some quality time with the Ruger SR22, taking it out to the range and really putting it through its paces.

In my time with this pistol, I’ve experienced a range of Ruger SR22 Problems. First up, we’ve got feeding issues that could give anyone a headache. Then there’s the extraction problem, where spent cartridges decide they’re too comfy to leave the chamber. Of course, let’s not forget about safety issues that can make you question its reliability. And last but not least, the infamous misfires that, well, leave you firing blanks.

So here’s the deal. I’ll dive deep into each of these problems and shed some light on why they happen. But wait, there’s more! I’ll also offer you some solid fixes for each. 

Overview of SR22 Problems & their Solutions

Feeding IssueReplace weak magazine springs and polish feed ramps.
Extraction ProblemClean chamber or replace extractor.
Safety IssueSend back to Ruger for repair.
Misfiring ProblemThoroughly clean the gun, focusing on tiny spaces.

Top 4 Ruger SR22 Problems & Solutions

1. Feeding Issue

Alright, let’s kick things off with the feeding issue. While out at the range, I noticed the Ruger SR22 had some trouble getting rounds into the chamber. You’d pull the trigger, expecting the bang, but get a frustrating click instead. 

The ammo just wasn’t moving from the magazine into the firing position like it should. Trust me, nothing spoils your aim or mood quicker than a feeding issue.


Now for the good stuff: the solution. First, I took a close look at the magazine springs, and bingo, they seemed a bit weak. A quick replacement made a world of difference. Another thing to check is the feed ramps. 

A bit of cleaning and polishing, and you’re golden. I also opted for high-quality ammunition. After making these changes, the gun fed ammo smoothly. 

2. Extraction Problem

Next on our problem-solving journey is the extraction issue. Man, this one’s a doozy. Picture this: you fire a round, and it’s time for the empty shell to make its exit, but nah, it doesn’t. It clings to the chamber like glue. 

It’s frustrating and interrupts the flow, especially if you’re target shooting or in a timed competition. 


So how did I tackle this sticky situation? First up, a deep clean. Sometimes gunk and residue are all it takes to gum up the works. 

A clean chamber can make a world of difference. But if that doesn’t do the trick, you might want to look into swapping out the extractor. I found that installing a new, high-quality extractor sorted the issue right out. 

And hey, don’t forget to test it thoroughly after. A couple of rounds at the range confirmed that the extraction problem was, indeed, history. Ah, the sweet sound of a shell casing hitting the ground!

3. Safety Issue

So, let’s get down to another serious issue. I was checking the Ruger SR22 and noticed that the right and left frame inserts weren’t secured together as snugly as they should be. And we’re not just talking about aesthetics here. 

This gap could actually compromise the internal safety mechanisms of the gun. Yeah, you heard me right. 

The pistol could potentially go off while you’re decocking it. Now that’s scary, isn’t it? Nothing more alarming than a gun acting out of line when you least expect it.


So what’s the fix for this one? Honestly, this isn’t something you want to mess around with on your own. My strong recommendation is to send it back to Ruger. 

When it comes to safety issues this critical, it’s best to let the experts handle it. I sent mine back, and they corrected the frame insert problem, making sure all safety mechanisms were working as intended. Just don’t cut corners here, folks. Safety first, always.

4. Misfiring Problem

Last but certainly not least is the misfiring problem. I was pumped to try different types of ammo with my new SR22. But let me tell you, the excitement faded fast. No matter the ammo, I had at least two misfires per clip, sometimes even more. 

I also noticed that in the decocked position, the slide had to travel back a smidge, like 1/16 of an inch, just to make contact with the hammer. Talk about a mood killer when you’re trying to focus on your aim!


So here’s what worked for me. The first thing you need to do when you get a new gun, and something I wish I did sooner, is give it a proper cleaning. 

I disassembled the gun, including the magazines, and got down to business. I used rubbing alcohol to clean every nook and cranny. This strips away any factory grease that could be messing with the firing mechanism. 

After this deep clean, the misfires significantly decreased. It’s a simple solution but one that could save you a lot of headaches down the road.


Alright, folks, let’s wrap this up. The Ruger SR22 is an enjoyable pistol to shoot, offering a compact and versatile package that’s easy to handle. 

However, it’s not without its share of issues. From feeding problems and sticky extractions to safety concerns and pesky misfires, this little guy can give you some heartburn. The good news? Most of these issues have straightforward fixes. 

A little cleaning, some part replacements, and you’re back in action. For serious safety concerns, though, don’t play the hero; send it back to Ruger. 


What is the issue with the SR22?

A small number of SR22s have frame inserts that are not properly secured, affecting internal safety mechanisms.

What serial numbers are on the Ruger SR22 recall?

The affected serial numbers are 369-40078 or lower, or with an “SS” prefix.

Is the Ruger SR22 drop safe?

No, the pistol may fire if dropped or struck.

Which is better Ruger SR22 or Walther P22?

Personal preference, but the SR22 often gets the nod for better ergonomics.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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