5 Most Common Ruger P345 Problems And How To Fix Them

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I’ve had the opportunity to extensively test out the Ruger P345 in the field and let me tell you; it has its merits. But like any piece of machinery, it’s not without its issues. 

In this article, I’m going to dive into five prevalent Ruger P345 Problems with the Ruger P345. We’re talking about jamming, not returning to battery, failure to fire, trigger problems, and firing pin issues. 

But don’t worry, I won’t leave you hanging; I’ll also offer practical solutions to each issue.

Overview of Ruger P345 Problems & their Solutions

JammingTake it to the company’s service center.
Not Returning to BatteryDon’t ride the slide and check your ammo.
Failure to FireClean the firing pin area; check your grip.
Trigger IssuesRack a snap cap; check trigger bar behavior.
Damaged Firing PinGet it professionally replaced.

Top 5 Ruger P345 Problems & Solutions

1. Jamming Problem

Hey there, let me get straight to the point. One of the issues I faced with the Ruger P345 is it not returning to battery. It’s frustrating, especially when you’re at the range and eager to get some good shots in. 

The gun stops short of shooting into full battery, even when cleaned and lubricated. At first, I thought maybe I was doing something wrong, but after chatting with some folks, I realized it’s a common problem.


Okay, here’s the deal. Lubrication isn’t the magic fix for this issue. I found that the best course of action is to take the gun to the company’s service center. 

The pros there really know their stuff. They checked the type of ammo I was using and tweaked the settings accordingly. The weak magazine can also cause this issue, and trust me, these experts will sort it out. 

You could say the service center is your one-stop shop for solving this particular issue with the Ruger P345. So, don’t break your head trying to fix it yourself;

2. Not Returning To Battery 

So, another hiccup I stumbled upon with the Ruger P345 is the failure to fully enter battery. Basically, you shoot and think everything’s good, but then the bullet sticks out of the chamber by roughly a quarter inch. 

It’s like the gun is just shy of getting the job done. Trust me, it’s as annoying as it sounds, especially when it happens every time you empty a mag. 

I’ve been there, done that, and let me tell you, it’s an issue many shooters face with locked-breech auto pistols, not just this one.


Alright, so how did I tackle this problem? First off, make sure you’ve field-stripped and cleaned the gun. Yep, the basics. 

Put both recoil springs back in their proper places. Now, about the ammo: you’ll want to run some tests to see what works best. Last but not least, don’t ride the slide. It might sound like a simple instruction, but you’d be surprised how many people forget this step. 

Follow these steps, and you’ll significantly reduce the chances of your bullet hanging up before entering the ramp.

3. Failure To Fire

Here’s another snag with the Ruger P345: the firing pin might not be hitting the primer, causing a failure to fire. I mean, the gun does its thing: it ejects the spent case, cocked the hammer, and even loads the second round. 

But then, the hammer falls, and nothing happens. It’s a letdown, especially if you’re in a situation where every shot counts. 

So, what’s causing this? Gunk—yes, gunk—in the firing pin area. You pull the trigger once, but then you have to pull it again for the second round to fire. Frustrating, isn’t it?


Alright, the fix for this is a bit of a deep dive. You’ll have to detail strip the gun and clean out all that nasty gunk from the firing pin area. 

After that, check the double-action trigger. Make sure to pull the trigger twice, once to cocked the hammer and once to actually fire. You’ll also want to cycle the slide while keeping the trigger pressed, mimicking the loading of a new round. 

And don’t forget the basics—ensure you’re holding the gun properly. Your left hand should support the right and cover the magazine. A proper grip makes all the difference.

4. Problem with the Trigger

Okay, let’s talk about another thing that’s pretty darn bothersome: the trigger bar problem. While testing the Ruger P345, I noticed the shooting was all over the place. 

The culprit? The trigger bar seemed to have a mind of its own. I noticed that when I pulled the slide back, the trigger bar didn’t pop back up as it should. 

And to make matters worse, it only decided to make an appearance with an audible click when I started to dry fire. Clearly, something was off.


So, what’s the fix for this confusing trigger bar issue? Well, my go-to solution involved racking a snap cap into the chamber. It did help, but the real trick was understanding the behavior of the trigger bar. 

When I moved the slide back to examine the chamber, it was like the trigger bar went on a mini-vacation. However, the moment I pressed the trigger or pulled back slightly on the hammer, it came right back up, like it was suddenly motivated. 

This action seems to keep the trigger bar from getting lost in the chaos, making your shots more consistent.

5. Firing Pin Issue

Let’s tackle another issue that’s giving users a headache: damaged firing pins. While I was out field testing the Ruger P345, this problem reared its ugly head, and let me tell you, it’s a real nuisance. 

You’re out there, aim, pull the trigger, and what do you get? A misfire. That’s right, nothing happens, and it’s all because of a damaged firing pin. 

Trust me, it’s incredibly frustrating, and you’re not alone; it’s something that almost every user runs into at some point.


So, how do you navigate this landmine? First, let’s put a pin in dry firing without a magazine; that’s a recipe for damaging the pin. If you find yourself stuck with this issue, I advise getting it fixed by professionals. 

Swapping out that damaged firing pin isn’t something you want to fiddle with unless you really know what you’re doing. 

And believe me, those mechanics will pinpoint the problem and get it sorted, making your gun more reliable.

Final Verdict

Okay, wrapping things up. The Ruger P345 has its strong points, no doubt about it. It’s reliable, fairly accurate, and has some cool safety features. But let’s not kid ourselves; it’s got its challenges, too. 

I’ve walked you through five common problems that could crop up: jamming, not returning to battery, failure to fire, trigger issues, and those darn damaged firing pins. The good news? Each of these issues has a manageable fix.

If you’re not a gunsmith, don’t sweat it. A trip to a professional service center can work wonders for most of these problems. 


How much does the Ruger P345 hold?

The magazine holds eight rounds of .45 ACP ammunition.

How much does a Ruger P345 weigh?

The gun weighs 29 ounces.

What caliber is the Ruger P345?

It’s chambered in .45 ACP.

Can you dry fire a Ruger P345?

Yes, but only with the magazine inserted to prevent damage.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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