5 Common Remington RM380 Problems And How To Fix Them

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I’ve spent some quality time testing out the Remington RM380, and let me tell ya, it’s a mixed bag. Don’t get me wrong, it’s got its perks, like a compact design and ease of concealment, but it also noticed some issues that need addressing.

So, what problems did I run into? Well, for starters, the accuracy can be inconsistent, making it a bit frustrating for those perfect shots. Next up, the recoil spring gave me some issues; it’s just not as reliable as I’d like. 

The trigger? Yeah, that could use some work, too. Add a slide lock issue and a feeding problem to the list.

I want to walk you through these Remington RM380 Problems, not just to point them out but to give you some solutions. Consider this your go-to guide for troubleshooting the Remington RM380. 

Overview of Remington RM380 Problems & Solutions

Inconsistent AccuracyUse the magazine with the pinkie extension.
Recoil Spring IssuesClean and lubricate the recoil spring or replace it.
Trigger ProblemsHand-polish the trigger bar; switch to a shorter hammer spring seat.
Slide Lock IssueEnsure proper assembly and lubrication.
Failure to FeedUse brass-cased, jacketed bullets; avoid Fiocchi ammo.

Top 5 Remington RM380 Problems & Solutions

1. Problem with the Accuracy

So, here’s the scoop on the accuracy issue. When I took the Remington RM380 to the range, it did a decent job at 10 yards; I’m not gonna lie. 

But when I tried pushing it to 15 or 20 yards, things got, well, a bit shaky. The bullets just didn’t stay within that 8-inch circle, and that’s a big no-no for any self-defense scenario or even for casual shooting. 

That said, I also noticed that the gun was slightly shifting in my hands, especially when I was using the flush grip.


So, what’s the fix? I tried out the finger pad, and guess what? It worked like a charm. The gun comes with two types of magazines, and the one with the pinkie extension made a world of difference. 

The shifting problem? Gone. The RM380 felt way more stable in my hand, which obviously helped with the accuracy. 

For those of you struggling with this issue, I highly recommend trying out the magazine with the pinkie extension. Trust me; you’ll see the difference.

2. Recoil Spring Problem 

Okay, let’s talk about the recoil spring. This problem hit me when I least expected it. I was at the range, and suddenly, the gun started acting up. 

It just didn’t feel smooth anymore. So, I did a little digging and figured that the recoil spring was the culprit. Wear and tear had taken its toll; trust me, it wasn’t fun. 

This kind of issue isn’t just annoying; it affects the gun’s reliability, and that’s a big concern for any firearm owner. 

Lack of proper maintenance also plays a part. So, if you’ve felt a change in how your Remington RM380 operates, odds are the recoil spring might be to blame.


Alright, let’s fix this. I took the gun apart and got my hands on the recoil spring. First off, cleaning. I used solvent and a brush to get all the gunk off it. 

After that, a good amount of high-quality gun oil to make sure it slides and recoils as it should. But hey, if your spring’s toast, just replace it. 

When you do, follow the manufacturer’s guidelines, or you’ll end up with a bigger problem. And let me tell you, after doing this, my RM380 was back in business. So, don’t skip the maintenance; your gun will thank you.

3. Trigger Issue

Ah, the trigger. Man, oh man, where do I start? This part gave me some real headaches. You see, the trigger break on the Remington RM380 is set far back, almost touching the frame. 

That’s not the worst part; the stacking at the end of the pull is just awful. Let’s not even talk about those inconsistent primer strikes, which make you second-guess your shot. 

Trust me; it’s not a good feeling when you’re trying to make a precise shot, and the trigger acts up on you. Simply put, it needs work, and it needs it now.


Alright, it’s time to get our hands dirty. The first thing is the trigger bar. It’s rough and has some irregular shapes, causing most of the stacking issues. 

So, what did I do? Hand-polishing. It helped smooth things out. Next, I switched out the hammer spring seat for a shorter one. This brought down the pull weight to about 7-1/2 lbs and made the action much smoother. 

The difference was like night and day. If you’re dealing with trigger issues, these fixes might just be what the doctor ordered. It’s a little effort, but the payoff is huge. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

4. Slide Lock Issue

Here’s another hitch I ran into: the slide lock issue. During some test runs, I noticed the takedown pin slipping out, jamming the slide. 

It got “locked up” with around 1/4″ of battery left. Yep, you read that right. The pin, which should never move like that, was misbehaving. 

It was frustrating and threw off the entire shooting experience. A pin acting up might seem minor, but it messes with the gun’s performance.


So, how do we tackle this issue? First, I reassembled the pin, thinking maybe I’d gotten it wrong. To my surprise, that helped a bit. Lesson learned: don’t rack the slide when the rifle is angled to the side. 

Also, I threw in some lubrication for good measure. The barrel and slide must line up, so ensure the recoil spring is leveled. And double-check that barrel; it should be free to move. 

Consider a replacement if you’ve tried everything and the pin’s still a problem. I found that a slightly larger diameter pin can do wonders. Follow these steps, and you’ll likely avoid my headaches.

5. Feeding Problem

While I was out testing the Remington RM380, I bumped into a hurdle I just couldn’t ignore: the failure to feed. I’d be out there, aiming, pulling the trigger, and then… nothing. 

The rounds cleared the mag and the feed lip alright but froze up in the chamber. Let me tell you, it’s a weird feeling when you expect a bang and get a dud. 

I even noticed that steel-cased ammunition was acting up more often than brass cases, adding another layer of complication.


First things first, ammo matters big time. I found that the Fiocchi rim was too thick for the RM380. So, switched it up. 

Second, only jacketed bullets seemed to work fine, as lead rounds just won’t stabilize in this model. Stick with brass cases, too; steel cases just aren’t reliable here. 

I experienced fewer issues with brass and jacketed bullets. Trust me, it’s the little things like ammo compatibility that can make or break your shooting day. 

So, scrutinize your ammo choices if you’ve been scratching your head over feed issues. It made a world of difference for me.

Final Verdict

If you’re looking for a compact, easy-to-conceal firearm, the Remington RM380 checks many boxes. But going into this relationship with your eyes wide open is important. 

There’s no shortage of challenges, from inconsistent accuracy and a finicky recoil spring to troublesome trigger and slide lock issues. However, the good news is none of these problems are insurmountable. 

You can transform the RM380 into a more reliable and accurate firearm by spending a little time and effort. 

While it might not be perfect straight out of the box, a few tweaks here and there can make it a dependable choice for both self-defense and casual shooting.


How many rounds does a Remington RM380 hold?

The Remington RM380 has a 6-round box magazine.

Does the Remington 380 have a safety?

The RM380 has no external safety, only a slide stop lever and magazine release.

Is 380 more powerful than 9mm?

The 9mm is more powerful than the .380 ACP.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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