5 Most Common Glock 45 Problems And How To Fix Them

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As a group of experienced reviewers, I’ve had the pleasure, and sometimes the challenge, of field-testing the Glock 45.

From fail-to-feed issues to ejector complications, from barrel concerns to trigger mishaps, and yes, the odd brass in the face scenario – I’ve seen them all on the field. These are the common glitches I stumbled upon while using this particular firearm.

Don’t you worry! I’re not just here to report the Glock 45 Problems. Nope, I’ve rolled up our sleeves and are keen to share some practical solutions I’ve found for these common issues I’ve faced. 

Top 5 Glock 45 Problems & Solutions

1. Fail to Feed (FTF)

I experienced this peculiar “Fail to Feed” issue in the field. After firing just a few rounds, the Glock 45 showed us an empty chamber with bullets still in the magazine. 

Boy, was that frustrating! The gun simply refused to feed. The potential causes were; dirty magazine, weak spring, deformed mag, improper insertion, or subpar ammo. It was like a wild goose chase trying to figure it out.


Our trials led us to some fixes. I replaced the magazine springs, a bit of a task but worth it. 

I also learned the importance of quality ammunition; it doesn’t have to be the priciest, but stay clear of the white box stuff! Another tip? A firm hold on your firearm goes a long way.

2. Barrel Challenges

As our exploration with the Glock 45 continued, I identified an issue with the barrel. The gun’s barrel demonstrated a significant lack of chamber support, causing several operation-related headaches. 

I observed that the Glock 45 had difficulties in smoothly firing lead bullets. This often led to frequent jamming and Brass to Face (BTF) issues, making handling the firearm cumbersome and less intuitive. 


To overcome these challenges, I decided to replace the existing barrel with a different one that provided enhanced support and compatibility with various ammunition types. 

One effective solution for those who opt to continue with the factory barrels was a thorough cleaning with a brass brush after every hundred rounds. 

3. Ejector Issue

Next up on our list is the ejector issue. The Glock 45 tossed the brass to about fifteen feet. Yup, that’s what I am talking about. Even weaker ammunition traveled a considerable distance. 

Our research pointed to the Breech Face cutout as a possible cause.


Solving this required some experimentation. I avoided +P+ ammo, considering the brass it launched. 

And trust us, fiddling with the ejector, extractor, and extractor plunger spring pressure was a learning curve! If you’re new to firearms, I’d recommend leaving these tweaks to the pros.

4. Slide Complications

Another key issue involved the slide mechanism. Specifically, I found that the slide failed to lock back when the magazine was empty. 

Interestingly, it did lock back when the slide was racked with an empty magazine. 

I hypothesized that possible causes could include inadvertent pressure on the slide lever release during the final round, or mechanical issues with the slide lever release.


Our solution involved a process of experimentation. I tried out different magazines and varieties of ammunition and also considered replacing or adjusting the slide lever release spring. 

While this did involve a certain amount of trial and error, I were ultimately successful in finding a resolution to this issue.

5. Difficulties with the Trigger

I experienced some difficulties with the Glock 45’s trigger mechanism. The trigger was not easy to depress smoothly and required more effort and control than was ideal. 

I discovered that the striker pin could age over time and become misaligned. This misalignment then necessitated additional effort to seat it back in the striker channel.


I found that replacing the striker spring could effectively address the problem. If that failed to improve the situation, an alternative solution involved the application of grease to the connector. 

Additionally, I suggest removing the plunger, blowing it into the recess, and then carefully reinstalling all the parts. 


I had our fair share of headaches with the Glock 45 , from feed and ejector issues to barrel and trigger complications and even slide problems. However, each issue nudged us to dig deeper, experiment, and uncover solutions. 

Once these common issues are sorted out, the Glock 45 has proven to be a sturdy and reliable firearm. So, to all enthusiasts, don’t let these minor glitches deter you. With a little elbow grease and some patience, the Glock 45 will not disappoint.


Is Glock 45 good or bad?

The Glock 45 is an excellent firearm, particularly for a full-frame handgun. It is likely the best single handgun GLOCK has ever produced.

Why is my Glock 45 jamming?

A Glock 45 may jam if not properly maintained. Regular cleaning and lubrication are essential, as dirt and carbon buildup can cause malfunction.

What are the weaknesses of a Glock?

The weaknesses of a Glock can stem from improper maintenance, leading to issues such as jamming or malfunctions.

What is the advantage of Glock 45?

The Glock 45 is extremely reliable and safe, right out of the box. Its full-size grip accommodates larger hands, allows for increased ammo capacity, and provides better control.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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