6 Most Common Beretta Pico Problems And How To Fix Them

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I’ve spent considerable time testing the Beretta Pico in the field. I pushed it to the limit, trying to understand how it performs under various conditions. The hands-on experience gave me insights I would never have gathered from simple bench testing. 

While using this firearm, I encountered some common Beretta Pico Problems many users seem to face. From failures in ejecting to firing pin issues, these problems could hinder any enthusiast. 

However, don’t worry; I want to help you understand the common issues with the Beretta Pico and offer guidance on how to fix them. I’ve got your back and will ensure you have all the information you need.

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions

ProblemsSolutions (Instructions)
Failure to EjectSwitch to powerful defense ammunition for a while to break in the gun.
Trigger IssueUpgrade springs, clean gun, and if necessary, send it to Beretta for repairs.v
Firing ProblemsGet a new spring and disassemble; may require professional assistance.
Firing Pin IssueInvest in an original firing pin; have it installed by a professional.
Feeding ProblemsModify the magazine edges to make them slightly wider for clearance.
Slide ProblemsLock the slide back or use a few hundred “+P” ammo to break in the gun.

Top 6 Beretta Pico Problems & Solutions 

1. Failure To Eject

Oh boy, did I find something intriguing with the Beretta Pico! During my time in the field, I encountered a failure to eject problems that initially puzzled me. 

When I used certain types of ammunition, particularly the weaker ones like target rounds, the slide wasn’t cycling rearwards enough to toss out the spent case. 

What a hassle, right? This can be common with newer guns, which I’ve seen before, but it still caught me off guard with the Beretta Pico.


Now, here’s what I did to solve this annoying issue. I switched to powerful defense ammunition for a while. It helped break in the gun properly, and soon enough, I was back to using target rounds without a hitch. 

The Beretta Pico is rated for +P rounds, so using powerful ammo is not only compatible but advised. 

And guess what? It worked like a charm! The ejection problem was a thing of the past, and I were back to enjoying the firearm. What a relief!

2. Trigger Issue

While testing the Beretta Pico, I stumbled upon the trigger issue. 

In this odd situation, the trigger wouldn’t reset after firing a round. If you’ve ever experienced this, you know how frustrating it can be, especially when it renders a semi-auto handgun almost useless. 

The feeling of pulling the trigger, expecting the next shot, and getting nothing was a jarring experience for me.


What to do when you face this problem? Well, I went straight to the drawing board. First, I got the upgraded springs and cleaned the gun well. 

Unfortunately, that didn’t solve the issue. So, I contacted Beretta, who advised me to send the gun for repairs. And that’s exactly what I did. 

When it came back, the problem was gone, and the gun was as good as new. It was a rare issue, but I was glad Beretta was there to help me out. It’s always good to know that the manufacturer has your back!

3. Firing Problems

So there I was, out on the range, excited to put the Beretta Pico through its paces. I were all set, but guess what? I came across firing problems. 

With about 100 rounds in, I experienced numerous failures to fire. I mean, at least one per magazine. Can you believe it? Some rounds even required a fourth strike. 

Inspecting the rounds, I found solid primer hits, but still, they wouldn’t fire. The disappointment in my group was palpable.


Here’s where things got interesting. I decided to get a new spring, confident it would fix the issue. And it did, but the disassembly was far from easy. It was a struggle, but I finally got the gun working as it should. 

My hard work paid off, and the firing problems were history. Knowing I had overcome yet another challenge with this intriguing firearm was a satisfying feeling.

4. Firing Pin Issue

Out of all the issues I’ve faced with the Beretta Pico, the broken firing pin was the one that really stood out. 

It’s notorious, and trust me, I learned why. While in the field, I encountered this problem more often than I’d like to admit. 

Could it be the stiffness of the springs in older models? Maybe, but that’s just speculation. All I knew was that my firing pin was broken, and dry firing wasn’t helping. my excitement turned to concern.


So, what’s the fix? Well, I had to invest in a new firing pin. I made sure it was original and made for the Beretta Pico. 

But I didn’t stop there. I had it installed by a professional to ensure it was done right. Later, I also checked if my Pico was eligible for a spring upgrade, thinking it might be a recurring problem. 

This one-two punch of a solution finally put the firing pin issue to rest. And I was back to enjoying the Beretta Pico without any nagging worries. It was a welcome relief!

5. Feeding Problems 

I must tell you about this one challenge I came across while testing the Beretta Pico. It’s the feeding problems. 

Imagine my surprise when the bullet got caught on the edge of the magazine, causing a failure to feed. I was just looking at each other, puzzled and frustrated. This was a new one for us, and it was causing some real concern.


So, what did I do? I got down to the nitty-gritty and looked closely at the edge of the ammo-filled magazine. 

What I found was that there wasn’t enough clearance for the new round to feed into the gun. The solution? I carefully modified the magazine edges to make them slightly wider. A bit of tinkering, and It worked! I was back in action. 

Though this problem caught me off guard, the satisfaction of finding the solution Myself was worth it. It felt great to overcome this obstacle and continue my testing with the Beretta Pico.

6. Slide Problems

The stiffness of the springs and the struggle to pull the slide back didn’t go unnoticed among me. 

I found it particularly difficult to handle, and the heavy recoil spring didn’t help the situation. It was one of those moments when you realize that a design flaw can really get in the way of an otherwise good experience.


What’s the solution? Well, locking the slide back for a while, or putting a few hundred “+P” ammo through it to break in the gun, worked for Me. A sigh of relief as I found these solutions, and the range sessions became much more enjoyable.


The Beretta Pico is an intriguing firearm that’s seen its share of ups and downs. From my extensive field testing, I’ve discovered that, although it’s designed with concealment and ease of use in mind, it has its share of problems. 

These include failures to eject, trigger issues, firing pin problems, and more. But what’s a challenge, if not an opportunity, to learn? Each problem came with a solution, and I tackled them head-on. 

In the end, Beretta Pico’s weaknesses became lessons in resilience and innovation. 


What happened to the Beretta Pico? 

The Beretta Pico is a small, semi-automatic pistol intended for concealed carry. It’s been discontinued by Beretta.

What is the weight of a Beretta Pico? 

Weighing only 11.5oz unloaded, the Beretta Pico is comfortable and unobtrusive to carry.

How many rounds does the Beretta Pico hold? 

The two included stainless steel magazines each have a capacity of six rounds.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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