5 Most Common Mossberg 930 SPX Problems And How To Fix Them

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I recently had the opportunity to put the Mossberg 930 SPX through its paces in the field. Let me tell you, it’s an impressive piece of hardware in many ways. 

During my time with this shotgun, I did encounter some common problems that I think you should be aware of. 

The specific problems I encountered ranged from cycling issues to feeding problems and even a few instances of failure to extract. Let’s not forget some bolt issues that can be quite frustrating. 

Don’t get me wrong; these issues don’t make the Mossberg 930 SPX a bad firearm. Far from it! But if you rely on this shotgun for your needs, it’s essential to know what you might face and how to fix it.

I’m going to dive deep into each of these problems, tell you why they happen, and, more importantly, offer some effective solutions. 

Overview of Mossberg 930 SPX Issues & Solutions

Mossberg 930 SPX ProblemsSolutions
Cycling IssueClean thoroughly and switch to recommended ammo.
Feeding ProblemReplace magazine spring and use high-quality shells.
Failure To ExtractCheck extractor, replace if worn, and clean chamber.
Bolt ProblemClean bolt assembly and lubricate moving parts.

Top 4 Mossberg 930 SPX Problems & Solutions

1. Cycling Issue

Okay, first up, let’s tackle the cycling issue. When you’re out there, the last thing you want is for your shotgun to jam, right? But hey, it happened to me more than once with the Mossberg 930 SPX. 

One minute, you’re aiming; the next, you’re left with a gun that refuses to cycle to the next round. It can throw you off completely. 

The issue seemed more apparent when using certain types of ammo. The shell wouldn’t completely eject, causing the cycle to hang halfway through. Talk about frustrating!


So, what did I do to fix it? Well, first things first, make sure your shotgun is thoroughly clean. Trust me, you’d be surprised how much a little grit can mess things up. I took the time to break down the gun, give it a good cleaning, and lube the action. 

Then, I switched to a different brand of ammo, one that was recommended for this particular shotgun. Boom, the problem was gone! Remember, folks, the quality of your ammo can play a big part here. 

Don’t go cheap if you can avoid it; invest in some quality rounds for reliable cycling.

2. Feeding Problem

Next on the list is the feeding problem. I can’t tell you how annoyed I was when this happened. You’re out there, lining up your shot, and then—nothing. 

The shotgun just won’t feed the next shell properly. It got stuck halfway, leaving me puzzled and frustrated. I tried shaking it a bit and gave it a couple of firm taps, but no luck. 

Now, this is concerning because, in a time-sensitive situation, a feeding problem can cost you more than just your patience; it can be downright dangerous.


Alright, so how did I go about fixing this issue? First, I took a close look at the magazine tube and the spring inside it. I noticed some irregularities and wear and tear on the spring. 

So, my first move was to replace the magazine spring with a new one. I also double-checked the follower to ensure it was sliding smoothly. And you know what? It worked like a charm. 

To add an extra layer of reliability, I switched to using a higher-quality shell, which seemed to make a significant difference.

So my advice here: invest in a new magazine spring if yours is acting up, and don’t skimp on the quality of your ammo.

3. Failure To Extract

Moving along, let’s talk about the failure to extract the issue. Now, this is a headache you don’t want to deal with, trust me. I was at the range, pulled the trigger, and then got hit with a malfunction. 

The fired shell casing didn’t eject as it should; instead, it stayed stuck inside the chamber. Yeah, it’s not what you want when you’re aiming for a smooth operation. 

At first, I thought it was a one-time thing, but then it happened again. And again. That’s when I knew that I had a real problem on my hands.


So, what’s the fix? Well, I got down to the basics. Took the gun apart and carefully inspected the extractor and the ejector. 

I discovered that the extractor had some wear that was affecting its grip on the shell casing. After replacing the worn-out extractor with a new one, things started looking up. 

I also gave the chamber a good scrubbing to remove any built-up residue. Just to be thorough, I tested it multiple times with different types of ammunition. 

The result? No more extraction issues! In short, if you’re facing this problem, check your extractor and clean your chamber.

4. Bolt Problem

Last but definitely not least, let’s dig into the bolt problem. You see, I was out there, gun at the ready when something just felt off. After firing, the bolt didn’t return to its original position, causing a complete stoppage. 

If you’ve been around firearms, you know this is more than just a small snag. A malfunctioning bolt can lead to a whole host of other issues and could be potentially unsafe. 

So there I was, safety on, scratching my head, and wondering how to get back on track.


Here’s what I did. First, unload the firearm and make sure it’s safe. Then, disassemble the shotgun to get a good look at the bolt assembly. I noticed that the bolt was sticking due to what appeared to be some gunk and friction. 

So I meticulously cleaned the entire bolt assembly, even removing some small metal burrs that seemed to be causing friction. After that, I applied a high-quality gun lubricant to all the moving parts. 

And guess what? Problem solved! No more bolt issues. To put it plainly, if your bolt’s acting up, a thorough cleaning and proper lubrication are your best friends.

Final Verdict

Alright, it’s time to wrap things up. The Mossberg 930 SPX is a solid shotgun, no doubt about it. It’s got a lot of the features that you’d want in a reliable firearm. 

During my time with it, I did face some problems—cycling issues, feeding malfunctions, failure to extract, and bolt issues. And yes, these problems can be pretty frustrating, especially if you’re relying on this shotgun for specific needs. 

But here’s the silver lining: all of these issues are fixable. Whether giving your gun a good cleaning, replacing worn-out parts, or even switching to higher-quality ammo, there are straightforward solutions to get your shotgun back in top shape. 

So, is the Mossberg 930 SPX worth it? In my book, it is. With some regular maintenance and mindful handling, you can mitigate most of its downsides, making it a reliable choice for various applications.


Is Mossberg 930 SPX reliable? 

Yes, the Mossberg 930 SPX is generally reliable but may require regular maintenance to prevent common issues.

What is the difference between Mossberg 930 SPX and 940 SPX?

The 940 SPX is an evolution of the 930 SPX with improved features, making it a more advanced shotgun overall.

What size ammo for Mossberg 930 SPX? 

The Mossberg 930 SPX chambers both 2 3/4- and 3-inch 12-gauge shotshells.

What is Mossberg SPX? 

The Mossberg 930 SPX is a tactical shotgun well-suited for home defense, featuring higher-than-average capacity and ghost ring sights.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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