6 Common Ruger Security 9 Problems You Must Be Aware of

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The Ruger Security-9 is a popular choice for those seeking a reliable and affordable self-defense handgun.

I recently had the chance to test out the Ruger Security 9.

I encountered several Ruger Security 9 Problems that seem to be common among users. There’s a fair amount to cover, from slide issues to jamming and even problems with the safety lever. 

I’m not just here to list the problems. I’ll also offer some straightforward solutions for each issue I’ve come across.

Overview of Ruger Security 9 Problems & their Solutions

Slide IssueTrim extra material under slide stop lever; replace slide spring if needed.
Jamming IssueReplace worn-out springs; clean and lubricate the gun.
Problem with Safety LeverClean and lubricate; consult a professional for stubborn issues.
Feeding ProblemClean the gun; replace bent ejector; polish feed ramp.
Magazine ProblemAdjust your grip to avoid interfering with magazine ejection.
Extraction IssueChange ammo; clean out packing grease and grime.

Top 6 Ruger Security 9 Problems Problems & Solutions

1. Slide Issue

One of the first things I noticed with the Ruger Security 9 was a tricky situation with the slide. Yep, it got stuck in the backward position. That’s something you want to avoid, especially when relying on it. 

This snag appears to be caused by extra material under the steel slide-stop lever. The outline on the frame itself is the culprit here, hindering the lever from completely dropping down.


First off, I grabbed a utility knife. A careful trim of that extra material under the steel slide stop lever did the trick. 

It’s an easy fix and lets the lever drop-down, freeing the slide. Another thing you want to check is the slide spring. If it’s not pulling its weight (literally), you’ll want to swap it out for a new one. Once I did these two things, the slide worked like a charm.

2. Jamming Issue

Ah, the jamming issue. This is one of those problems that can really give you a headache. During my time in the field with the Ruger Security 9, I encountered jamming in various forms. Sometimes, the slide got stuck; other times, the shell wouldn’t eject. 

Trust me, it’s frustrating. But hang on, it’s not the end of the world. Jamming usually occurs due to some specific issues: worn-out springs, faulty magazines, bad extractors, or even problematic recoil springs.


First, I disassembled the gun to look for the root of the problem. You have to know how your gun’s put together if you’re going to fix things yourself. 

I found that the springs were worn out. That’s something you can check easily. So, replacing the springs was my first step. If you’re not handy with tools, getting an expert’s help for complex issues might be best. 

Also, take into account the power of a good cleaning and lubrication; it can work wonders. After these adjustments, my jamming issues were practically gone.

3. Problem with the Safety Lever

Let’s talk about the safety lever. If you’re like me, you want that lever to be reliable. In my hands-on experience with the Ruger Security 9, I found the safety lever quite stiff. 

There were even moments when it got stuck, which could be better. I’ve heard from other users that they’ve had similar issues. 

The stiffness or sticking seems to occur due to wear and tear on internal components, specifically, some metal parts that wear out over time.


First, good cleaning and proper lubrication can sometimes work wonders. It did improve the stiffness a bit when I tried it. But if you’re still facing issues, this is one of those times where professional help is the best course. 

I would recommend sending the gun back to Ruger or taking it to a local gunsmith. They’re the experts and can fix what we can’t. Trust me, with safety features, you don’t want to take chances. 

After getting mine tuned up by a pro, the safety lever issue was a thing of the past.

4. Feeding Problem

Let’s get into another issue: I ran into feeding problems. Fresh out of the box, I was excited to try my new Ruger Security 9. 

But alas, the ammo just wouldn’t feed properly. Imagine pulling the trigger, and nothing happens. You don’t want to be in that situation. 

It turns out there are a few possible reasons. It might be as simple as not cleaning your gun after unboxing it, or there could be a bent ejector. Also, rough edges on the feed ramp can be an offender.


The first thing I did was give the firearm a good cleaning and lubrication. It’s a straightforward step but essential. 

Then, I took the gun apart to inspect the extractor and feed ramp. In my case, the ejector had a slight bend. A bent ejector needs replacing; there’s no way around it. Lastly, I found some roughness on the feed ramp, so I gently polished it using a Dremel bit. 

Remember, don’t go wild with the Dremel; you don’t want to remove too much material. After these fixes, my feeding problems vanished.

5. Magazine Problem

So, let’s talk about accidental magazine catching. I’ve been out on the range, trying to nail those targets, right? But guess what gets in the way? My own hands. 

I’ve got larger hands, so my palm tends to get in the way when the magazine ejects. That slows down my reload time, messes up my concentration, and, all-around just adds unnecessary frustration to the shooting experience.


Okay, so what to do about this? Simple! I started focusing on my grip. The goal here is to find a balance, a sweet spot if you will, where my hand doesn’t interfere with the mag.

I spent some quality time on the range, inserting and ejecting empty mags until it felt natural. After a while, it was like second nature; the magazine just popped right out, no snags. So, adjusting your grip is pretty much all you need to fix this issue.

6. Extraction Issue

So, you’re out at the range and everything seems smooth, but then bam! You experience a failure to extract the fired shell. 

Let’s be clear, this isn’t a super common issue with the Security 9, but it can happen. I noticed this during one of my testing sessions. 

It’s often about using ammo that’s not the right size. On top of that, if you’ve got packing grease in there, it’s gonna give you grief. 

The temperature also plays a part, making the shell expand a bit, so that’s another thing to keep an eye on. Oh, and let’s not forget the extractor spring; it’s gotta be strong enough to do its job.


First off, change your ammo. I tried a different brand and immediately saw improvement. If that doesn’t sort it out, grab your cleaning kit. Seriously, get rid of that packing grease and any grime.

It makes a world of difference. I cleaned mine up, and the shell extraction was back on track. So if you’re dealing with this problem, start there. 

Change the ammo, and give that gun a good cleaning if needed. It worked for me, and it’ll likely work for you too.

Final Verdict

The Ruger Security 9 is a solid firearm, no doubt about it. It’s got its strong points like durability, a decent trigger pull, and let’s not forget its price point—pretty budget-friendly. 

However, it’s not all sunshine and roses. I’ve gone through some hitches during my hands-on testing, ranging from slide issues to jamming, feeding problems, and even a finicky safety lever. The good news? Most of these issues are fixable.

A good cleaning, DIY know-how, or even professional help for those trickier bits can go a long way. 


What is the problem with the Ruger Security 9 slide?

The common problem with the Ruger Security 9 slide is that it can get stuck in the backward position, often due to extra material under the steel slide-stop lever or a weak slide spring.

Is the Ruger Security 9 accurate?

It is highly accurate at 15 yards, with no trigger discomfort.

Is it bad to dry fire a Ruger Security 9?

It is generally safe to dry fire a Ruger Security 9. You can dry fire it as many times as you want, and you can also use snap caps for added protection.

What ammo works best with Ruger Security 9?

For the Ruger Security 9, Speer Gold Dot 124-grain +P JHP and Hornady Critical Duty +P 124-grain JHP are recommended for self-defense, while Federal American Eagle 115-grain FMJ is good for target practice. Federal Syntech 124-grain is suitable for indoor ranges.

Is Ruger Security 9 a good conceal carry?

The Ruger Security 9 is considered a good option for concealed carry due to its compact size, reliability, and affordability. It is lightweight and offers a good balance of size and capacity, making it suitable for everyday carry

Why is my Security-9 jamming?

Your Security-9 might be jamming due to a few common issues, such as worn-out springs, dirty or damaged magazines, or problems with the slide or extractor. Replacing worn-out parts, cleaning and lubricating the gun, and ensuring the use of compatible ammo can often resolve these issues.

What is the difference between the Ruger Security 9 and the Security-9 Pro?

The main difference between the Ruger Security 9 and the Security-9 Pro is that the Pro models do not come with an external manual thumb safety. Additionally, the Pro versions come with improved sights and ship with three alloy-steel magazines

Is the Ruger Security 9 hammer or striker-fired?

The Ruger Security 9 is hammer-fired.

Is the Ruger Security any good?

Yes, It is reliable and well-suited for concealed carry or home defense.

Is the Ruger Security 9 safe?

It utilizes a reliable Secure Action fire-control system for safety.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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