6 Common Ruger LC9S Problems You Must Be Aware of

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I’ve spent a good time testing out the Ruger LC9S, and I’ve got to say, it’s got its ups and downs. On one hand, it’s compact, lightweight, and easy to carry. However, I did run into a handful of issues that I think anyone interested in owning or using one should know about.

I encountered Ruger LC9S Problems that ranged from misfires to jamming, issues with the magazine, slide, overall quality, and even the trigger. These aren’t just minor glitches; they can significantly affect your experience and could even pose safety risks.

I want to equip you with the knowledge you need to make your experience with the Ruger LC9S as smooth and safe as possible. Let’s jump right in, shall we?

Overview of Ruger LC9S Problems & their Solutions

MisfiringChamfer the firing pin hole and use quality ammo.
JammingClean the gun thoroughly, focusing on ejection areas.
Magazine IssuesAttach a wedge to the magazine and polish the feed ramp.
Slide not LockingAdjust thumb placement and practice hand positioning.
Quality IssuesTake the gun to a qualified gunsmith and contact Ruger.
Heavy Trigger PullConsult a skilled gunsmith or send it to Ruger for fixes.

Top 6 Ruger LC9S Problems & Solutions

1. Misfiring Problem

So, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: misfiring. I’ve taken the Ruger LC9S out for multiple range sessions, and misfiring was more frequent than I’d like to admit. 

Sometimes, I had to eject and reload the rounds to get a decent shot. It felt like the gun just didn’t want to cooperate. 

The misfires happened mostly when I used Walmart’s 9mm Remington ammo, and it was super frustrating. Through a bit of digging, I figured out that brass shavings were covering the firing pin. It turns out that the case rim scraping on the bottom of the firing pinhole was a big part of the issue.


So, how did I tackle this? I took the time to chamfer the whole firing pinhole. This little modification eliminated those sharp corners that were causing all the brass shaving issues. Voila! The misfiring was significantly reduced. 

Another hot tip—skip the cheap ammo. Ever since I switched to more reliable ammunition, I’ve noticed a drastic improvement in the Ruger LC9S’s performance. 

Trust me, invest in quality ammo; your experience will be a whole lot better.

2. Jamming Issue

Next up on the problem list is jamming. Let me tell you, it’s a doozy. While out on the field, I noticed my LC9S failed to fully eject rounds, leading to jams. 

Whether I was using Winchester WB 9mm 115gr full metal jackets or the Russian-made WPA 115gr fmj steel case, this happened. It felt like no matter what ammo I tried, the gun had a mind of its own and decided to jam up on me. 

So yeah, jamming became a regular party crasher during my shooting sessions.


So, how did I finally get this issue under control? Cleaned the gun, plain and simple. Seems like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people overlook regular cleaning. 

I disassembled the LC9S, thoroughly cleaned it, and focused especially on the ejection and feeding areas. And guess what? The jamming stopped. 

So, if you’re struggling with similar issues, don’t underestimate the power of good cleaning. It worked for me, and it’ll work for you too.

3.  Magazine Problem

Ah, the magazine issue—another fun one that I ran into. So here’s the lowdown: When I first started using my Ruger LC9S, the trouble started right out the gate. 

Manually racking the slide led to issues, especially with the top round “nose-diving” into the bottom lip of the feed ramp. No matter how hard I tried, the first round consistently refused to enter the chamber. 

It seemed like the rim of the top round got caught in the groove of the following round, and let me tell you, it was annoying as all get out.


So, what did I do to fix this? First off, I attached a wedge-shaped piece of plastic to the 

magazine’s bottom plate using super glue. 

That stopped the magazine from being stripped out. Then, I took some jewelers’ rouge and polished the ramp until it looked like a mirror. But the cherry on top? I switched to an extended factory magazine. 

After these tweaks, the magazine issues were pretty much a thing of the past. So, if you’re dealing with similar troubles, try these fixes. They worked wonders for me.

4. Problem with the Slide

Alright, let’s move on to the slide issue. It’s another biggie. Here’s what happened: My slide wouldn’t lock back even after firing the last shot. However, when I manually racked the slide, it would lock open just fine. 

At first, I thought it was a flaw with the gun itself. But, after a bit of trial and error, I realized that how I was holding the gun—specifically my thumb placement—was messing things up.

I usually kept my thumb on the safety lever, especially when practicing at home.


So, what’s the fix? Well, it was pretty simple but needed some getting used to. I started practicing more and more outdoor dry firing with the Ruger LC9S. The focus was on adjusting my hand position during shooting. 

Your hand placement plays a massive role in how the gun behaves. The slide issue was resolved by altering how I gripped the gun and where I placed my thumb. Now, the slide locks back as it should after the last round. 

So, if you’re facing the same issue, pay attention to how you’re holding your gun—it could make all the difference.

5. Quality Problem

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: quality issues. Yeah, it’s a bit of a laundry list. I had a whole mix of things going wrong. The front sight came loose early on, which seemed connected to the gun’s low shooting accuracy. 

That wasn’t all. I also faced damaged hammer springs and trigger issues. One minute, I’m practicing my aim, and the next, I discover extractors popping out. 

Not cool, right? Even the magazine releases were acting up, and I found some rough finish spots here and there.


You gotta step back when it’s an array of problems like this. I took my Ruger LC9S to a qualified gunsmith to check its authenticity and diagnose the issues. Then, I reached out to Ruger. 

Trust me, their customer service is excellent. They offered to replace the faulty parts or give me a new LC9S. If you’re dealing with a cluster of problems, don’t hesitate—get your gun checked out and contact Ruger. Chances are, they’ll set things right for you.

6. Trigger Problem

Let’s tackle the next issue: the trigger pull. Man, this one’s a real headache. You have this 11-pound trigger pull that feels like dragging a boulder uphill. It’s like wrestling with the gun just to get a shot off. 

The trigger break happens near the end of the guard, making it a far-from-smooth experience. And hitting a target? Forget about it. At just 10 yards, I couldn’t reliably hit a pie plate. On top of that, the light strikes were a real letdown. I found that out of 7 rounds, about half wouldn’t even go off.


Alright, it’s time for some fixes. I looked closely at the hammer and trigger bar area, and it was clear as day that something was off. I didn’t want to fiddle with it, so off it went to a skilled gunsmith. Another option? Sending it straight to Ruger.

 They’ve got experts who can pinpoint what’s causing the trigger issue and sort it out. So, if you’re struggling with trigger issues like I was, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Trust me, it’s worth it.

Final Verdict

The Ruger LC9S has merits—it’s compact, lightweight, and superb for concealment. But let’s be real: it also packs a hefty list of issues that need addressing. Misfires, jams, slide and magazine issues, and quality control problems aren’t minor speed bumps; they can be hazardous.

 That said, most issues I came across had workable solutions. Proper cleaning, minor adjustments, quality ammo, and a few tweaks made a noticeable difference. 

If you’re willing to try to manage its shortcomings, this gun can serve you well. 


Is the Ruger LC9s reliable?

Yes, it’s good for concealment and generally reliable, but it has some ergonomic issues.

Is it OK to dry fire a Ruger LC9s?

Yes, moderate dry firing is fine as long as an empty or inert magazine is inserted.

What does the S stand for in Ruger LC9s?

It stands for “lightweight compact 9mm striker-fired.”

What is the difference between Ruger LC9s and EC9s?

The LC9s has more refined features, including better rear slide serrations.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

2 thoughts on “6 Common Ruger LC9S Problems You Must Be Aware of”

  1. Seems you find similar problems with almoyall the guns you test do maybe it’s not the gun but the shooter, l have had and fired over a 100 handgun in the past 60 years and human error in most cases is the real problem that and the fact that people are either afraid or to lazy to disassemble and clean and lube there guns, l even clean and lube my carry guns occasionally even if l don’t fire them, the real problems l have had were with USA made Beretta A1-carry, light primer strikes in 3 of the 4 I have had, emphasis on HAD, 1st. & 2 nd generation Diamondback DB9, broken slide rails, constant jamming every magazine full at least once sometimes several unless putting pressure on bottom of magazine when shooting, some of the many Keltec PF9’s l have had had various issues but overall fairly decent and for most part dependable, Kahr CW, CM, PM overall fairly decent but quality control is hit and miss so you can get good and bad ones, personally l stick with Glocks, S&W’s and Ruger and clean them always, l have also had several Sig 938’s that people say that have had problems with but l never did so again l think maybe the shooter not the gun, l have found issues with a lot of guns that originated in other countries and then manufacturing moves to a different country for whatever reason including USA and it seems they have more undesirable problems

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts! You’ve highlighted a crucial point about the role of maintenance and user handling in firearm performance. Your extensive experience across various brands and models adds valuable insight to the conversation, especially on the importance of regular cleaning and the impact of manufacturing changes.

      It’s a great reminder that sometimes the issue might lie in how we use and care for our guns, not just the guns themselves. Appreciate you pointing out the significance of user responsibility in ensuring reliability.


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