5 Common Kel-Tec CMR-30 Problems You Must Be Aware of

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I’ve had the chance to get some hands-on experience with the Kel-Tec CMR-30. This is one versatile firearm that’s easy to carry and can be quite a pleasure to shoot. But, alas, no gun is perfect. 

During my time with the CMR-30, I’ve noticed a few Kel-Tec CMR-30 Problems: failure to feed, magazine problems, issues with the firing pin, slide lock failure, and recoil challenges. 

Each of these has its own set of challenges that need a little troubleshooting. But hey, that’s why I’m here. I’ll dig into each of these problems and give you some solid solutions to get you back in the game. Let’s jump in, shall we?

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions

Failure To FeedCheck magazine, clean feed ramp, use compatible ammo, inspect magazine springs.
Magazine IssueTighten magazine catch, clean magazine well, inspect and replace worn-out magazines.
Problem with Firing PinClean or replace firing pin, ensure it’s aligned properly during reassembly.
Slide Lock FailureInspect slide lock components, replace if worn, clean and lubricate mechanism.
Recoil ProblemExamine and possibly replace recoil spring, clean buffer system, consider aftermarket recoil pad.

Top 5 Kel-Tec CMR-30 Problems & Solutions

1. Failure To Feed

Let me tell you, there’s nothing more frustrating than getting ready to take a shot, squeezing the trigger, and nothing. I’ve had this happen a couple of times with the CMR-30. 

Failure to feed is a term you never want to associate with your firearm, but it’s a situation I’ve faced. Technically, the cartridge doesn’t properly flow from the magazine into the firing position. 

This can happen for various reasons, like improper magazine seating, issues with the feed ramp, or even the type of ammo you’re using.


Alright, so here’s the deal. First, make sure your magazine is correctly inserted. Trust me, sometimes it’s the simple stuff. Next, clean your feed ramp; any debris or grime could cause a snag. 

I took a cleaning cloth and some solvent and gave it a good wipe down. After that, check your ammo. Make sure you’re using rounds that are compatible with your CMR-30. 

For me, switching to a different brand helped solve the issue. And lastly, don’t forget to ensure that the magazine springs are in good shape. 

Worn-out springs can impact the feeding mechanism. Once I took these steps, I was back to smooth operation, just like that.

2. Magazine Issue

Ah, the magazine issue. Yep, ran into this one more times than I’d like to admit. So, you’ve got your CMR-30 loaded up, and you’re ready for some action, but then you notice that the magazine isn’t feeding rounds as it should.

It’s annoying, to say the least. The symptoms can vary from the magazine failing to lock into place to rounds not feeding smoothly, disrupting your shooting session. 

The worst part? It’s hard to pinpoint the problem because it could be the magazine itself, the magazine catch, or even issues with the magazine well in the firearm. 

But fear not, I’ve rolled up my sleeves and figured out some ways to get around this pesky issue.


First off, check that magazine catch. If it’s loose or not engaging properly, tighten it up or adjust it as needed. I found that a slight adjustment made all the difference. Secondly, inspect the magazine well and give it a good cleaning. 

Dust, grime, or tiny particles could be the culprit, and simple cleaning can often resolve the issue. After that, examine the magazine itself. Look for dents, unusual wear, or deformities. Sometimes, it’s a simple matter of replacing a worn-out magazine. 

Also, try multiple magazines to rule out a single faulty one. Once I went through these steps, my magazine issues cleared up pretty quickly. Now it’s feeding like a champ, and I’m back to enjoying my time at the range.

3. Problem with the Firing Pin

Oh boy, let’s talk about the firing pin issue. So you pull the trigger and expect that satisfying bang, right? But instead, you get more of a “meh.” I’ve experienced this with the CMR-30, and it’s a downer, to say the least. 

A faulty firing pin can lead to misfires or no fires. Sometimes, the pin might be worn out, broken, or just dirty. It could also be misaligned, which throws the whole firing process off. 

It’s a key component, so if it’s not functioning properly, you’ve got yourself a significant issue.


First, if you’re uncomfortable handling firearm parts, it’s best to take your CMR-30 to a professional. For those who feel up to it, here’s what I did.

I started by disassembling the bolt assembly to access the firing pin. I examined it closely for wear, tear, or breakage. In my case, it was a bit dirty. I cleaned it using a suitable solvent and a soft brush.

If your firing pin is broken or significantly worn, replacement is the only option. Also, make sure it’s properly aligned during reassembly. 

Trust me, taking the time to clean or replace your firing pin can turn things around quickly. I did it, and my CMR-30 was back to its reliable self.

4. Slide Lock Failure

Alright, let’s tackle another headache: slide lock failure. Picture this: you’re at the range and notice the slide isn’t locking back after the last round. 

Now, this isn’t just inconvenient; it’s a safety concern, too. When the slide doesn’t lock back, it can mess with your muscle memory and timing, leading to unwanted issues. 

Technically, this problem can arise from wear and tear on the slide lock lever or the slide lock spring, or it could be due to accumulated grime in the slide lock mechanism. Trust me; it’s not something you want to overlook.


Here’s what you can do. First, field strip your CMR-30 to closely examine the slide lock components. Check the slide lock lever and spring for any visible signs of wear. 

I did this and found that my spring had lost a bit of its tension. Then, give these parts a thorough cleaning. You’d be surprised how much gunk can accumulate in these tiny spaces. 

If you find worn parts, replace them; these components are generally not expensive. And for the love of all things shooting, make sure to properly lubricate the slide lock mechanism during reassembly. 

5. Recoil Problem

Ah, the recoil. So, you’re out there, firing away, and you notice that the recoil is just not what you’d expect. 

Trust me, I’ve been there with the CMR-30. It’s unsettling when you can’t predict how your firearm will behave, especially in recoil, which is crucial for accuracy and control. 

Uneven recoil can throw off your aim, and if it’s too strong, it can make your shooting experience less than pleasant. The recoil spring could be the main culprit here, or maybe it’s a buffer issue.


Alright, let’s fix this. The first thing you should do is examine the recoil spring. In my case, I found that it had seen better days. 

A worn-out spring can mess with the recoil dynamics. Replace it if needed. Another thing to look at is the buffer system. Maybe it needs a good cleaning or possibly a replacement. I gave mine a thorough clean and added a bit of lubrication. 

Final Verdict

So, folks, we’ve covered quite a bit of ground here. The Kel-Tec CMR-30, while a fantastic firearm in many aspects, isn’t without its fair share of challenges. 

From failure to feed to recoil inconsistencies, I’ve seen it all during my time with this gun. But here’s the good news: every issue is fixable. Whether it’s a quick magazine adjustment or a thorough cleaning session, a little attention to detail goes a long way in making this firearm more reliable. 

And when the CMR-30 is operating smoothly, it’s a reliable piece of machinery that’s an absolute joy to shoot. 


How accurate is the Kel-Tec CMR-30?

Based on my tests, the Kel-Tec CMR-30 delivers exceptional accuracy, especially within 100 yards.

What is the range of the CMR-30?

The CMR-30 performs admirably up to 50 yards, with a trigger that has a break of only around 2 pounds, 9 ounces.

Is the CMR-30 an SBR?

No, the CMR-30 is not an SBR (Short-Barreled Rifle) but can be modified to become one with the appropriate ATF approval.

What is a CMR rifle?

The CMR-30 is a .22 Magnum carbine that holds 30 rounds in each of its two flush-fit magazines, making it a portable and powerful option.

Is the Kel-Tec CMR-30 considered a pistol?

The CMR-30 is not strictly considered a pistol; it is a carbine that is shouldered like a long gun but has pistol-like operations.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

4 thoughts on “5 Common Kel-Tec CMR-30 Problems You Must Be Aware of”

  1. Hi Michael. These issues seem all-too common. MCarbo makes upgraded replacement feed ramps and mag catches to address the feed and eject issues. Kel-Tec will even install the MCarbo upgrades if you pay for them plus a service fee.
    Do you know why they haven’t offered a free fix for new registered owners or have they started shipping them with the part installed? They obviously know it is a design flaw and most owners have the same problems.

    • Thanks for highlighting MCarbo’s upgrades and Kel-Tec’s installation option. It’s a great point you’ve brought up about why Kel-Tec hasn’t offered a free fix or pre-installed these parts, especially given the known issues. As of now, there’s no official word on them making such moves for new or registered owners. It could be a mix of cost considerations and manufacturing decisions. But you’re right; it would significantly boost customer satisfaction. I’ll keep an eye out for any updates on this and share if I find anything.


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